Satellite View of Earth at Night
The SP and GF03C satellites of JL1 constellection can conduct fast shooting with high-resolutions and multispectrums at night, which can reflect human activities
through luminous night time light data
Features of Night Light Satellite Images 1.High spatial resolution.
2.Multiple spectral bands and flexible data acquisition.
Indicators Parameter
SP03-08 GF03C
Substar point ground pixel resolution ≤ 0.92 m ≤ 1.2 m
Standard scene size (at nadir) 11 km×4.5km 14.4km×6km
Detection capability (a) Red:4.7
(b) Green:4.0
(c) Blue:4.2 (a) Red:4.2
(b) Green:3.6
(c) Blue:3.7
Positioning accuracy 30m
Available product level L1A; Luminous enhancement; Mosaic products
CGSTL (Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd) is the first commercial remote sensing satellite company in China. Now, CGSTL has set up the commercial business dealing with the development and operation of satellite as well as remote sensing information processing all in one.
If you need professional satellite data service, please leave us a message.