Multispectral Image Data
The GP satellites of JL1 constellection have 26 spectral channels, covering optical remote sensing data from visible light to long wave infrared.
Features of Multispectral and Hyperspectral
1.Ultra wide width, ultra-high radiation quality.
2.Ultra-high information resolution.
Indicators Parameter
Substar point ground pixel resolution Visible light near infrared:5m;
Shortwave/Mediumwave infrared camera:100m;
Longwave infrared camera:150m
Spectral bands B0:450nm-800nm B1:403nm-423nm
B2:433nm-453nm B3:450nm-515nm
B4:525nm-600nm B5:630nm-680nm
B6:784.5nm-899.5nm B7:485nm-495nm
B8:615nm-625nm B9:650nm-680nm
B10:698.75nm-718.75nm B11:732.5nm-747.5nm
B12:773nm-793nm B13:855nm-875nm
B14:660nm-670nm B15:677.5nm-685nm
B16:750nm-757.5nm B17:758.75nm-762.75nm
B18:935nm-955nm B19:1000nm-1040nm
SW1:1195nm-1225nm SW2:1360nm-1390nm
SW3:1550nm-1590nm SW4:1610nm-1690nm
MW:3700nm-4950nm LW:7500nm~13500nm
Standard scene size (at nadir) Visible light near infrared:58.7km×58.7km
Shortwave/Mediumwave infrared camera:64km×64km
Longwave infrared camera: 96km×96km
Positioning accuracy 50m (CE90)
Photographic mode Push-broom
Photographic satellite GP01; GP02
As a satellite factory, we can offer kinds of satellite data products for sale, if you have needs, please contact us.